How to Investigate Animal Cruelty in NY State – A Manual of Procedures

Example 21 – Cult Related Animal Crime

The Complaint

An animal control officer called a city police department in Massachusetts and reported that an individual had killed a woman’s cat. The police responded and arrested the individual.

The Response

  1. The Animal Rescue League (ARL) received a call from the city animal control officer who had reported the crime to the police. He suspected that occult activity was involved in the death of the cat.
  2. The ARL investigator went to the scene and observed various occult indicators as well as the body of the dead cat. They interviewed the owner of the cat.
  3. Based on the information that had been obtained from the owner, a representative of the ARL with experience in cult-related crime went to police headquarters to interview the individual accused of killing the cat.
  4. During the conversation, the suspect admitted that he killed the cat as part of his cult-related beliefs and practices.

Charges Brought

The individual was charged with a felony for violating a section of Massachusetts law that deals with killing and mutilating animals.

In New York State, anyone harming or torturing an animal can be charged with violating Section 353 of Article 26, of the Agriculture & Markets Law and can also be charged with felony cruelty, Section 353-a. 

Supporting Document Follows

Cat found dead hanging in bathroom
Cards laid out  with picture and satanic pentagram
31. Cat hung in bathroom 32. Cards laid out on floor with picture and satanic pentagram